Talend Cloud Certified Administrator Exam Details
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Qlik Talend Data Integration certification exams measure your skills to ensure that you have the knowledge to successfully implement quality projects. Preparation is critical to passing.
This certification exam covers Talend Cloud administration and migration from Talend on-premises products to Talend Cloud. Topics include, but are not limited to, Talend Cloud architecture and applications, user management in Talend Cloud, deployment and scheduling, remote engines, managing and promoting environments and workspaces, managing Git projects, and administrating migration from Talend on-premises products to Talend Cloud.
Certification Exam details
Duration: 55 minutes
Number of questions: 45
Passing score: 70%
Exam content is updated periodically. The number and difficulty of questions may change. The passing score is adjusted to maintain a consistent standard.
To prepare for this certification exam, Qlik recommends:
- Talend Studio User Guide
- Talend Cloud Management Console User Guide
- Talend Cloud Getting Started Guide
- Talend Cloud Pipeline Designer User Guide
- Talend Management Console for Pipelines User Guide
- Talend Cloud API Designer User Guide
- Talend Software Development Life Cycle Best Practices Guide
- Talend Cloud Single Sign-On (SSO) Configuration Guide
- Talend Remote Engine User Guide for Linux/Windows
- Talend Cloud Remote Engine for Microsoft Azure Guide
- Talend Cloud Remote Engine for AWS Guide
For more information about the recommended learning plans, go to the Qlik Learning Catalog.
After passing this certification exam, you are awarded the Talend Cloud Certified Administrator badge. To know more about the criteria to earn this badge, refer to the Qlik Badging program page.
Certification Exam topics
Overview of Talend Cloud
User management and authentication
Manage environments and workspaces using TMC
Publish and manage artifacts
Connections and resources
Execution engines
Execution in Talend Management Console