Registering and Preparing For Your Certification Exam
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1. How do I register for a certification exam?
Qlik Talend Data Integration certification exams
You have two options when taking your exam. The option to take it immediately or schedule it for a future date.
To take your exam immediately:
Log in to the Webassessor portal/create an account.
Click Register For An Exam from the top navigation menu.
Click Take Your Exam Now
Select your exam from the catalog and click Buy Now button
Carefully read and accept the Qlik Certification Exam Access and Use Agreement
Make payment for your exam using a credit/debit card or a voucher (if applicable)
Click Launch and complete the readiness check to start your exam. This allows you to prepare your device and your environment before you begin.
You will be asked to ensure you have prepared your device by disabling your anti-virus and firewall software and to prepare your environment which may include removing your glasses (if you wear glasses), testing your lighting and alike.
Your camera and microphone will then be checked to ensure these are functioning and you will be promoted to start the exam.
Once the proctor is available you can start your exam.
To register for an exam to take at a future date, go to Have the name of the exam and your credit card or voucher code handy.
Log in to the Webassessor portal/create an account.
Click Register For An Exam from the top navigation menu.
Expand the Online Exams section and select your exam.
Click the Buy Now button and select a Time Zone, Date, and Start Time.
Carefully read and accept the Qlik Use of Access Agreement
Verify that the exam item in your shopping cart is correct. Enter an authorized Coupon/Voucher Code, if applicable.
Click Check Out.
Enter your credit card information (charges in USD; currency conversion fees may apply).
Click Submit.
Once your registration is complete, you will receive an email confirmation with further instructions. To view your scheduled exam, click the My Assessments tab from the top navigation menu.
IMPORTANT - QLIK PARTNER PROGRAM REQUIREMENT: Please ensure you use your work email address and company name for your Qlik Learning account. This will ensure your certifications are linked to your company and counted toward the compliance requirements of the Qlik Partner Program.
If you do not show up to take your exam, you will forfeit your exam fee. Refunds are not issued if you miss your exam or fail to cancel in time. If you have questions about taking your exam, or if you are unable to reschedule or cancel your exam, please contact our Customer Support team via our Support Hub at Alternatively, send your query to
Remember to state the name of the exam in the subject line and add as much detail as possible in the body of your email so your query can be directed to the right person.
Qlik Data Analytics certification exams
To register for an exam, go to the Pearson VUE website. Have the name of the exam and your credit card or voucher code handy.
Log in with your Pearson VUE account or create an account.
Select Schedule a Test.
You can cancel your exam, but it MUST be within 48 hours of the exam. To reschedule or cancel your exam. Log into your account and select Cancel a test. If you have an appointment and do not show up to take your exam, you will forfeit your exam fee. NO REFUNDS are given if you miss your exam appointment or fail to cancel in time.
IMPORTANT - QLIK PARTNER PROGRAM REQUIREMENT: Your Pearson VUE account must contain the email address associated with your user ID, full name, and company name. This will ensure your certifications are linked to the partner company and counted toward the compliance requirements of the Qlik Partner Program.
For help with exam registration, contact Pearson VUE Customer Service.
2. How can I pay for my exam?
You can make a payment using all major credit and debit cards and certification vouchers at the time of booking through Webassessor and Pearson VUE.
3. Why was my credit or debit card not accepted?
Some credit and debit cards may be blocked from making international payments. Please consult your bank to discuss this further or use an alternative payment method.
4. How do I get a receipt for proof of payment?
Qlik Talend Data Integration exams delivered via Webassessor
Log in to your Webassessor account.
Select the Receipts tab from the top navigation menu and locate the exam.
Click the Receipt button.
Complete any additional fields you want to include on your receipt.
Click Generate Receipt to display the receipt.
Save or print your receipt.
To obtain a receipt for a reschedule cost, contact our Customer Support team via our Support Hub at Alternatively, send your query to
Remember to state the name of the exam in the subject line and add as much detail as possible in the body of your email so your query can be directed to the right person.
Qlik Data Analytics exams delivered via Pearson VUE
Your receipt will be emailed to you after registration. You can also access your exam history, including payment history, at any time by logging into your Pearson VUE account.
5. Am I eligible for a certification exam voucher?
Certification vouchers are only available to Qlik Partners. Please raise a Certification exam voucher request via the Partner portal - Qlik Partner Portal ( - > Resources - > Partner View - > Request Center.
Alternatively, please email to request your voucher stating the name of the exam you want to take.
6. Are certification exams open book?
Qlik Talend Data Integration certification exams
All Qlik Talend Data Integration certification exams are open book. This means you are permitted to use the following authorized test aids during your exam.
The authorized exam materials are limited to Qlik Learning courses and use cases, Talend products, documentation, knowledge-based articles, your own study notes, and web searches. Remember, all certification exams are recorded and proctored online, so you are supervised.
Qlik Data Analytics certification exams
Qlik Data Analytics certification exams are NOT open book. Your machine is locked down for the exam, and a room pan is required before you start it. Remember, all certification exams are recorded and proctored online, so you are supervised.
7. How should I prepare for my certification exam?
The best way to prepare for an exam is to practice the skills listed in the exam overview, available on the Qlik Talend Data Integration Certification and Qlik Data Analytics Certification web pages. Each overview provides information about the exam, recommended learning plans, use cases, and exam topics. Once you are confident, take the practice test to assess your knowledge.
Qlik exams follow the standard industry criteria of combining hands-on experience and product training and addressing the underlying methods required to implement quality projects successfully.
In general, you are expected to have six months of on-the-job experience with the product and be familiar with all publicly available resources and related product documentation.
The Qlik Learning platform offers training courses, case studies, and preparation courses, which includes a practice test to help you prepare. You can also attend in-person training or self-study with Qlik Continuous Classroom.
You need a Qlik Learning subscription to access these courses, or you can take instructor-led training.
8. How can I access the learning plans and training courses associated with my exam?
Working through the learning plans associated with your desired certification is highly recommended. These are expert-level exams and experience with the product is needed. To access learning plans (training courses), you need an active Qlik Learning subscription. Contact your organization’s Qlik Admin to confirm the status of your subscription. If there is no subscription, visit to request Qlik Learning subscription options. Your inquiry will be routed to the right person.
9. How are certification exam scores calculated?
Exam scores are calculated by adding up the number of correct answers and determining if this is above or below the passing score for the exam. If a question requires multiple answers, you must select the exact number of correct answers specified in the question to earn credit for a correct answer. Partial credit is not given. It is in your best interest to try answering every question, even if it is an educated guess. Visit the Qlik Talend Data Integration Certification and Qlik Data Analytics Certification web pages to view the passing score needed for each exam.
10. Do I need to accept the Exam Access and Use Agreement before I take an exam?
The Qlik Talend Certification Program requires candidates to accept the Certification Terms and Conditions before taking an exam to ensure the integrity of the exams and Qlik Talend Certification Program. This agreement, as set forth by Qlik and Kryterion, Inc., includes cooperating with any investigation into testing irregularities and testing misconduct. Any fraudulent activities recorded can be immediate grounds to disqualify a candidate from passing an exam and prohibit a candidate from taking any other Qlik Talend certification exams. In addition, Qlik reserves the right to pursue all remedies in law or equity for any breach of these exam rules.
11. Why do the passing scores vary for Qlik Data Analytics exams?
The passing scores are determined after conducting a statistical analysis with Subject Matter Experts and reviewing the beta exam results. Each exam has a different domain, and the variability of the question difficulty results in different minimum passing scores.