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Qlik Data Literacy

  • By Qlik Learning
  • Published: Jan 30, 2025
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Data Literacy Courses

Data Literacy in business is now as important as reading and writing. Maybe even more. But there's a major skills gap. Our courses help you and your organization understand, analyze, and use data with confidence. 

Start learning today!

Overview of Data Literacy

Achieve a data mindset, by understanding what data literacy is and isn't, what are associated soft and hard skills of being data literate, how to cultivate a culture that believes in the value of data.

Why Analytics >

A Culture of Data Literacy >

Data Literacy Adoption >

Data Storytelling >

Introduction to AI for the Business >

Data Fundamentals

Learn about the various types of data, what types of analysis you can do with the data you have and develop skills to read, describe and interpret data.

Understanding Data >

Understanding Aggregations >

Understanding Distributions >

Data-Informed Decision Making

Learn about the six-step Data-Informed Decision Making process to make decisions that are influenced by data and balanced with your own experience and effectively communicate these decisions to action upon.

Introduction to Data-Informed Decision Making >

Data-Informed Decision Making Framework >

Decision Making Analytic Techniques >

Analytical Techniques

Understand the basic analytical techniques to apply to data to then identify meaningful patterns, trends and insights.

Understanding Signal and Noise >

Correlation and Causation >

Confidence Intervals >

Hypothesis Testing >

Advanced Analytics

Gain an understanding of the various advanced analytical techniques that exist and how to collaborate with data teams to generate predictive and prescriptive insights.

Introduction to Data Science >

Decision Tree Analysis >

Simple Linear Regression Analysis >

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis >

Analytical A/B Testing >

Design of Experiments >


Foundational understanding of AI for non-technical individuals.

Introduction to AI for the Business >


Explore various individual assessments to understand your current data fluency level and behaviors & attitudes towards data.

Data Literacy - Persona and Skills Assessment >

Data Literacy Qualification >

Data Literacy - Skills Assessment >


The Data Literacy Certification Exam is a product-agnostic exam which measures your ability to interpret business requirements; understand and transform data; design, build, and interpret visualizations; and analyze, act on, and share results.

Data Literacy Certification >

Data Analytics Certification >

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